Sunday 22 May 2011

Source Code

Bea says: We saw this futuristic, sci-fi thriller in Southport, North Carolina, while holidaying with friends. We encouraged our friends to come along by saying that a trip to the cinema is a great way to get a sense of the local community. Well, I’m not sure where the local community was that night, but they sure weren’t at the cinema – there were two other people watching the film with us.

The film is a kind of sci-fi version of Groundhog Day – a young soldier finds himself re-living over and over again the final 8 minutes of a Chicago commuter train journey before it is bombed. His mission is to identify the bomber and report back. As he re-lives the experience over and over, he begins to make sense of his own situation and identity.

The film delves into the popular science of quantum physics in a fun sort of way (the existence of multiple realities and worlds) and although fairly instantly forgettable was quite gripping while on the screen. Not destined to become a classic – but then again, I thought that about Groundhog Day when it first came out!


Cecil says: As Bea says, this was OK on the night, but also so forgettable that I have nothing to say, now that three weeks have elapsed since we saw it.

The only thing that struck me was the timing of our seeing this film about a bomb on a train. It was the night before bin Laden was killed, with all the heightened security ever since and the fear that al-Qaeda’s next American targets might be on a train. Hmmm, how long would this film stay on release if that were to happen?


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